Digital Growth 27 Dec , 2021What does SEO give your business? Valdis Strautiņš – nowadays, every one who has their own website has heard this three-letter combination at least once. A lot of myths intertwined around it, many painfully burned, entrusting SEO to a “specialist” and a lot of well-known companies, have become recognizable thanks to precisely this set of activities called SEO. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, or search engine optimization. In this article we would like to tell you what SEO is and what it can bring to your business.What is SEO and why it is usedSEO is a process of improving the quality and quantity of website data flow from search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing, etc. Most often, the focus occurs directly on Google, which is still the most used search engine. It aims to create an unpaid flow of data (natural search results) rather than a flow of data from direct or paid advertising. Such a feed is created from various types of searches, for example, when internet users are looking for a particular product, service or anything else – information, what news or events, reviews, etc.Using SEO as a marketing tool takes into account the activity of search engines – their algorithms that dictate the activity of search engines that people are looking for, the actual search terms or keywords recorded in the search engine, as well as which search engines, the target audience chosen, prefer. SEO is performed so that your site ranks higher on the search engine results page and receives more visitors as a result of natural search. And then, these visitors can be turned into real customers.What SEO gives and how to achieve it– Helps you get to higher positions in google searchGoogle arranges the results according to a special algorithm that evaluates both the technical and content quality of websites, as well as many other criteria. The highest quality websites gain higher positions, thus being visible to users and being visited more often. SEO will help your website’s current keywords to get a higher ranking in search results. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the time period during which you will get to the highest positions, because this is determined by several factors: Googles’ new algorithms, which are improved every month, the performance of competitors’ SEO specialists and the authority of your website in the eyes of Googles.– Brand recognition and authorityCreates interesting, high-quality and useful content for users on your website and social networks. Thus, when internet users search for a product or service that you can offer, it will be much more likely that potential customers will buy it directly from you. Being on the front pages of search engines, people will see your company’s brand much more often. This is especially important for recently established and small companies. SEO optimization can help to get ahead of, or at least catch up with competitors. Being among Google’s top positions gives the impression that the brand is one of the leaders in the field that is trusted. Brands need to be visible and it’s SEO that will help companies become competitive in their market.– Reaching a specific target audienceThe most important thing in business is to find and address the right target audience for whom your goods or services are relevant and when they are up to date. SEO is one of the best (probably even the best) ways to do this. This allows you to accurately target your audience by using and customizing specific keywords. As a result, your website will be visited by people for whom your product or service is really relevant. This, in turn, will save money on paid ads, which a large number of internet users do not pay attention to.– More convenient website, more conversionsSEO not only helps to get to the top of search engines, but also to make the website much more user-friendly by optimizing the content it inserts – texts, images and videos. This improves the speed of operation of the site. Search engines assess how user-friendly your website is, such as the speed of loading a website, whether it is available from both computer and mobile devices, or whether it has high-quality and original content. SEO services include work with the technical, content and visual quality of the website. On a website arranged according to SEO requirements, the visitor will have a better experience, he will stay in it longer and with a greater likelihood will perform the desired actions for your business – purchase, communicate, apply for a consultation, etc.– Lower costs for paid adsSEO-optimized website content is also useful for Google search ad campaigns if you use the right keywords for paid search. Google’s quality score assesses the relevance of ads to landing pages, their content, and the relevance of ad text to the site’s text to determine the cost per click. Optimized landing pages mean a better quality score, a lower cost per click and a higher natural search result.– Long-term resultUnlike advertising, the value of SEO does not end with the end of the campaign. SEO is also not a one-off job. It is a continuous cycle of site optimization projects that focus on the content, design and/or technologies of the website. Most likely, each project will have a long-term value, as a result , with time, natural search results will increase. SEO is an investment in long-term efficiency.These are not all the benefits that SEO can bring to business development. To achieve good results, you need both knowledge and practical experience, if you have these things, then in time you will see lasting and significant long-term results that will allow you to grow your business by strengthening and improving your position in google search engine among competitors. If, however, you are not safe and need help or additional information about SEO services, apply for a consultation with a specialist.Top 3 customer questions about SEOWhy do I need to do SEO?Answer: SEO requires your website to have more visitors. For small businesses, this may be the only way to rank in the TOP positions of search engines and become visible. In addition, one of the advantages of SEO is the possibility to redirect funds to the SEO of the website, so that you are found by potential customers who are interested and less focused on paid ads that may not reach customers – or give them an incomplete picture of the company.How much does AN SEO cost?This is the No. 1 question from customers!Answer: The cost of SEO optimization is ambiguous, because it is a long-term job. At first, the SEO specialist will conduct research. If it is clear from studying the market situation that your competitors’ websites are not sufficiently optimized, then a minimum cost is enough. But if your competitors, just like you, have attracted an SEO specialist, then the competition started – the one who is ready to invest more in seo specialists will come to the top of search engines. In order to assess the approximate costs, the SEO specialist must study the real competitive situation in the sector in which you are niche. Then you can determine the basic amount and for a couple of months, observing the results, the specialist will be able to determine approximately what the future costs could be. Seo specialists don’t just aim to optimize your website to like Google, the goal is to overtake your competitors to get in higher positions.How long will it take for me to get to Google TOP positions?The second most popular customer issue!Answer: Also, a professional SEO specialist will not be able to give a specific answer to this question. It is not possible to determine the time when you will get in higher positions, as this is determined by factors such as Google’s algorithms, which are improved and updated monthly, the performance of competitors’ SEO specialists, as well as the authority of your existing website in google’s eyes. If an SEO specialist can tell you how long it will take for you to get into Google TOP positions or how much money you’ll have to invest in SEO, then you know, either you’re being lied to or the result will be achieved by unauthorized SEO methods of cheating. In this case, your joy, google’s TOP positions will be very short, because Google will quickly decrypt it and put your website on the blacklist.So, if you want to get into Google TOP positions with honest and proven methods, you will need to arm yourself with patience, knowledge and invest time in SEO optimization. Or – contact us and we will help you optimize your site so that both Google and your site visitors like it!