Slow Magento Checkout page? Read how to fix it here.

If you’re running a Magento store, you may have experienced the frustration of a slow Magento checkout loading time. Rest assured, you’re not alone in this struggle. There can be several factors contributing to slow issues with the checkout page, including server speed, unnecessary modules, price rules, code bloating, and more.

We’ll explore common culprits that can slow down your checkout process and help you understand how to fix them effectively or where to look so you understand how to get better results. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user of the Magento admin panel, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to optimize your shopping cart functionality, streamline your checkout experience, and improve overall performance.

So let’s get started on optimizing your Magento store’s checkout process for smoother transactions and happier customers!

Impact of Slow Page Loading on E-commerce Stores

Slow page loading, especially on checkout pages, can have a significant impact on the success of e-commerce stores. When customers encounter a slow checkout process, it can lead to frustration, and rage, and ultimately result in lost sales. Here’s why the speed of your website matters:

When your checkout performance is slow, customers are more likely to abandon their purchase and leave your site altogether. Slow-loading pages contribute to higher bounce rates, as impatient shoppers won’t stick around for long. This not only affects your immediate sales but also harms your long-term customer base.

Slow checkout can ruin your reputation. Word spreads fast in the digital world, especially.

Monitor Your Hosting Resources

To ensure a smooth and efficient Magento checkout process, it is crucial to monitor regularly. By keeping an eye on server performance, you can identify any potential bottlenecks or issues that may be causing slow checkout times. Here are some key points to consider:

Monitor magento resoures for slow Magento checkout

Not always you will have access to monitor your hosting, but there are good tools for it.
The tool for free that I am using is Netdata. There is also a new relic, which has integrations with Magento, it can give you more insights, but it will cost.

Regularly Monitor Server Resources

Keep track of important metrics such as CPU usage and memory consumption. These indicators can provide valuable insights into the overall health and performance of your server, specifically on your checkout page. Monitoring tools like New Relic or SolarWinds can help you effectively gather data on your checkout page.

Optimize Server Configurations

Based on the information gathered from resource monitoring, make necessary adjustments to your server configurations for optimal performance on the checkout page. This could involve tweaking settings related to caching, database optimization, or PHP configurations. By fine-tuning these parameters, you can improve the efficiency of your hosting environment.

Ensure Sufficient Bandwidth

Make sure that your hosting plan offers sufficient bandwidth to accommodate the traffic and data requirements of your Magento website.

Analyze extensions and remove unnecessary third-party modules

To optimize the performance of your Magento checkout process, it’s crucial to analyze the installed extensions and remove any unnecessary third-party modules. Here are some key points to consider:

Review installed extensions for their impact on performance

Take the time to review all the extensions currently installed on your Magento store. Consider how each extension affects the overall performance of your website, particularly during the checkout process. Some extensions may introduce additional scripts or functionality that can slow down the loading speed.

Remove unused or redundant extensions

Identify any unused or redundant extensions that are no longer serving a purpose on your website. These unnecessary extensions can consume valuable server resources, add more JS files, and contribute to slower checkout speeds. By removing them, you can streamline your Magento store and improve its overall performance.

Evaluate necessity before installation

Before installing any new extension, carefully evaluate its necessity and potential impact on performance. Ask yourself whether it is essential for your business needs or if there are alternative solutions available. Being selective with the extensions you install can help prevent unnecessary bloat and maintain a fast checkout experience for your customers.

Turning off Unnecessary Payment Methods to Speed Up slow Magento Checkout

Disable unused payment methods to reduce checkout loading time

One effective way to speed up the checkout process in Magento is by disabling unused payment methods. By removing unnecessary options, you can reduce the time it takes for customers to complete their purchase.

Evaluate the popularity and relevance of each payment method

Take a closer look at the different payment methods available on your Magento store. Assess their popularity and relevance to your target audience. Consider which options are commonly used and preferred by your customers.

Test checkout speed after disabling unnecessary payment methods

After you have disabled any unnecessary or less popular payment methods, it’s crucial to test the checkout speed. This will help you determine if there is a noticeable performance improvement.

Use static content optimization

To speed up your Magento checkout process, it’s crucial to optimize the loading of static content such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files. By implementing these optimizations, you can reduce the time it takes for your checkout pages to load.

Optimize static resources

One effective way to optimize static resources is by minifying them. Minification involves removing unnecessary characters and spaces from your CSS and JavaScript files, resulting in smaller file sizes that load faster. Consider using JS bundling techniques to combine multiple JavaScript files into a single file, reducing the number of requests made by the browser.

Delete Unused Magento Price Rules

To speed up your slow Magento checkout process, it’s crucial to address the issue of unused pricing rules. The more rules you have, the longer it takes for calculations to be performed. By removing outdated or unused pricing rules from your Magento configuration, you can improve processing speed and enhance the overall performance of your online store.

Regularly Review Active Price Rules

To avoid slow Magento checkout take the time to regularly review and assess your active price rules for relevance and effectiveness. It’s essential to ensure that these rules are still serving their intended purpose and contributing positively to your business. By identifying any redundant or ineffective rules, you can eliminate them and streamline the checkout process.

Consider using a one-step checkout

To address the issue of slow Magento checkout, implementing a one-step checkout process can greatly improve the overall user experience and increase conversion rates. By condensing multiple steps into a single page, you can streamline the checkout process and make it more efficient for your customers.

Instead of having customers navigate through multiple pages to complete their purchase, consider implementing a one-step checkout. This means consolidating all the necessary information and form fields onto a single page. By doing so, you eliminate unnecessary clicks and reduce the time it takes for customers to complete their purchase.

Reduce form fields and simplify the process

Another way to optimize your Magento checkout is by reducing the number of form fields required from customers. Only ask for essential information that is necessary for completing the transaction. Simplifying the process not only speeds up the checkout but also reduces friction and increases customer satisfaction. This will help to improve also user experience.

Enable guest checkout option for better UX

Requiring customers to create an account before checking out can be a deterrent for some users.

Disable Shopping Cart Rules

To optimize the speed of your Magento checkout process, it’s crucial to review and disable any unnecessary or redundant shopping cart rules. By simplifying complex rule conditions and reducing the number of active rules, you can significantly improve the overall performance of your store.

Review Active Shopping Cart Rules

Start by accessing the Magento admin panel and navigating to the shopping cart rules section. Take a close look at all the active rules that are currently in place. These rules are designed to apply discounts, promotions, or other incentives during the checkout process.

Disable Unnecessary Rules

Identify any shopping cart rules that are no longer needed or have become redundant. These could be outdated promotions or discounts that are no longer relevant to your business goals. By disabling these unnecessary rules, you can eliminate any potential bottlenecks in the checkout process.

Simplify Rule Conditions

Complex rule conditions can slow down the processing time during checkout. Take a moment to simplify these conditions by removing any unnecessary parameters or streamlining them for faster execution. This will help expedite the calculation and application of discounts or promotions.

Disable Unused Shipping Methods

To optimize the speed of your Magento checkout process, it’s important to take a close look at the shipping methods you offer. By removing any shipping methods that are not frequently used by customers, you can streamline the checkout experience and improve overall performance.

Test Checkout Speed

After disabling unnecessary shipping methods, it’s crucial to test the checkout speed to ensure improvements have been made. Monitor how long it takes for customers to progress through each step of the checkout process, from entering their address to selecting a shipping method and completing payment.

Disable Unused Active Countries in Store

To optimize the speed of your Magento checkout process, Review and disable any unused active countries in your store. By focusing on offering shipping to regions with higher demand, you can streamline the checkout experience for your customers. Here’s how you can go about it:

Review the List of Active Countries Available for Shipping

Take a look at the list of active countries available for shipping in your Magento store. This list determines where you offer delivery services.

Disable Countries Where You Don’t Have Customers

Identify any countries where you don’t have customers and disable them.

Make Database Indexes and Table Structure Optimization

To improve the performance of your Magento checkout process, Optimize your database. This involves creating proper indexes on frequently queried columns, regularly analyzing slow-running queries and optimizing them, normalizing database tables to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency, and monitoring database performance metrics to identify bottlenecks.

Optimize Database Performance with Proper Indexing

By creating indexes on columns that are frequently queried in your database, you can significantly enhance the speed of your Magento checkout. Indexes act like a roadmap for the database, allowing it to quickly locate specific data without having to scan through every record. Consider adding indexes to columns such as customer ID, product ID, order ID, and any other fields commonly used in queries.

Regularly Analyze and Optimize Slow-Running Queries

Slow-running queries can greatly impact the performance of your Magento checkout. Take the time to analyze these queries using tools like MySQL EXPLAIN or Magento Profiler. Look for opportunities to optimize them by rewriting or restructuring the query logic, adding appropriate indexes, or caching query results when possible.

Try to use CDN to resolve the slow Magento checkout page

If you’re still experiencing slow checkout on your Magento store, implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can significantly improve your website’s performance. A CDN helps deliver content faster by distributing static files across multiple servers that are geographically closer to your users. You can check out Cloudflare, Bunny CDN and others.

Faster content delivery to avoid slow Magento checkout

By using a CDN, you can ensure that your customers receive the necessary files quickly, including JavaScript files, JS scripts, and Ajax requests. The CDN stores these static files in various server locations worldwide, reducing the distance data has to travel and minimizing latency.

Testing website performance

Before implementing a CDN for your Magento store, it’s essential to test its impact on website performance.


In conclusion, optimizing your Magento store’s checkout process is crucial for improving the overall user experience and increasing conversions. Slow page loading can have a significant impact on your e-commerce store, leading to frustrated customers who may abandon their carts before completing the purchase. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, such as monitoring hosting resources, analyzing extensions, and using static content optimization, you can address common issues that contribute to slow checkout speeds.

Take action today to enhance your Magento store’s checkout speed and improve customer satisfaction. Implement these optimization strategies and monitor their impact on your conversion rates. Remember, a faster checkout process not only benefits your customers but also helps boost your online sales.

Bonus – Now Hyva theme is created their own checkout which goes with their theme.
They say it is 13x times faster on mobile than standard, you read about it here