Laravel Development & Support

Robust and feature-rich PHP framework that simplifies the development of complex web applications.

This is the heading

Provides a modular and scalable architecture, allowing developers to build maintainable and extensible code.

This is the heading

Laravel's intuitive syntax and extensive documentation make it a developer-friendly framework, reducing development time and effort.


More than 150+ brands trust us!

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SEO optimization and meta tags

Developers can leverage Laravel’s flexibility to optimize web pages for SEO by easily setting page titles and meta tags. Laravel’s templating system allows for the dynamic generation of meta tags and page titles, ensuring that web applications are search engine-friendly and provide a seamless user experience.

Efficient content management

Laravel’s capabilities extend beyond traditional web development by enabling developers to manage content as if it were a CMS. By incorporating features like Paragraph, Laravel simplifies content editing and management, allowing for real-time updates without the need to delve into language files or templates. 


This streamlined approach enhances collaboration between developers and non-dev colleagues, facilitating seamless content deployment and ensuring accuracy across web pages

Customization and flexibility

Laravel offers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing developers to tailor web applications to specific business needs. With its modular structure and extensive libraries, Laravel empowers developers to create scalable and feature-rich web solutions that meet unique requirements.

Progressive web apps

Laravel empowers developers to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that offer seamless user experiences across devices. By leveraging Laravel’s flexibility and modern web technologies, developers can build PWAs with features like offline access, push notifications, and home screen installation. 

With Laravel’s intuitive syntax and robust libraries, PWAs developed with Laravel are responsive, secure, and high-performing, enhancing user engagement and accessibility 

across platforms.

SEO optimization and meta tags

Developers can leverage Laravel’s flexibility to optimize web pages for SEO by easily setting page titles and meta tags. Laravel’s templating system allows for the dynamic generation of meta tags and page titles, ensuring that web applications are search engine-friendly and provide a seamless user experience.

Efficient content management

Laravel’s capabilities extend beyond traditional web development by enabling developers to manage content as if it were a CMS. By incorporating features like Paragraph, Laravel simplifies content editing and management, allowing for real-time updates without the need to delve into language files or templates. 


This streamlined approach enhances collaboration between developers and non-dev colleagues, facilitating seamless content deployment and ensuring accuracy across web pages

Customization and flexibility

Laravel offers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing developers to tailor web applications to specific business needs. With its modular structure and extensive libraries, Laravel empowers developers to create scalable and feature-rich web solutions that meet unique requirements.

Progressive web apps

Laravel empowers developers to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that offer seamless user experiences across devices. By leveraging Laravel’s flexibility and modern web technologies, developers can build PWAs with features like offline access, push notifications, and home screen installation. 

With Laravel’s intuitive syntax and robust libraries, PWAs developed with Laravel are responsive, secure, and high-performing, enhancing user engagement and accessibility 

across platforms.

SEO optimization and meta tags

Developers can leverage Laravel’s flexibility to optimize web pages for SEO by easily setting page titles and meta tags. Laravel’s templating system allows for the dynamic generation of meta tags and page titles, ensuring that web applications are search engine-friendly and provide a seamless user experience.

Efficient content management

Laravel’s capabilities extend beyond traditional web development by enabling developers to manage content as if it were a CMS. By incorporating features like Paragraph, Laravel simplifies content editing and management, allowing for real-time updates without the need to delve into language files or templates. 


This streamlined approach enhances collaboration between developers and non-dev colleagues, facilitating seamless content deployment and ensuring accuracy across web pages

Customization and flexibility

Laravel offers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing developers to tailor web applications to specific business needs. With its modular structure and extensive libraries, Laravel empowers developers to create scalable and feature-rich web solutions that meet unique requirements.

Progressive web apps

Laravel empowers developers to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that offer seamless user experiences across devices. By leveraging Laravel’s flexibility and modern web technologies, developers can build PWAs with features like offline access, push notifications, and home screen installation. 

With Laravel’s intuitive syntax and robust libraries, PWAs developed with Laravel are responsive, secure, and high-performing, enhancing user engagement and accessibility 

across platforms.

Need support or development?

We will develop and support your Laravel project.



Head of Business Development

Need support or development?

We will develop and support your Laravel project.

Need support or development?

We will develop and support your Laravel project.



Business development specialist

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What our clients say

WD Market offered a variety of recommendations and solutions for our brand needs. Responsive and always ready to find compromises in all situations.


Evija Zuja

Marketing manager

We have collaborated on several projects, everything always goes smoothly. Also, I really like WDMarket’s Agile approach with the ability to adapt to the customer’s needs at any moment.

Deniss Mihailovs

IT Project manager

We cooperated on Sia Kokos website issues. Do your own thing. If necessary, promptly solves any problem that may occur with the page. It is not limited only to the execution of technical works, but also helps to find optimal solutions and proactively provides various recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the page! We recommend

Andris Vizulis

Head of Marketing

Excellent cooperation when performing complex website maintenance and looking for non-standard solutions. Professional approach and support! I appreciate goal-oriented teamwork!

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

Our website was out of date and there were communication issues with the previous service provider. We are very glad to have WD Market come our way. Now we have a new modern website with great UI/UX design. Communication with the company is flawless. Starting a fruitful cooperation with WDM, we continue to develop with their help.

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

Leg&go logo

My experience with the WD Market team has been excellent. They seamlessly took over our previously developed WordPress based web store and have provided ongoing maintenance. Their technical expertise is evident in their solutions and suggestions for improvements. Responsive and attentive to details. Reasonable prices. Can recommend.

Kristīne Prāmniece

e-Commerce manager

What our clients say

Our website was out of date and there were communication issues with the previous service provider. We are very glad to have WD Market come our way. Now we have a new modern website with great UI/UX design. Communication with the company is flawless. Starting a fruitful cooperation with WDM, we continue to develop with their help.

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

Leg&go logo

My experience with the WD Market team has been excellent. They seamlessly took over our previously developed WordPress based web store and have provided ongoing maintenance. Their technical expertise is evident in their solutions and suggestions for improvements. Responsive and attentive to details. Reasonable prices. Can recommend.

Kristīne Prāmniece

e-Commerce manager

We cooperated on Sia Kokos website issues. Do your own thing. If necessary, promptly solves any problem that may occur with the page. It is not limited only to the execution of technical works, but also helps to find optimal solutions and proactively provides various recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the page! We recommend

Andris Vizulis

Head of Marketing

Excellent cooperation when performing complex website maintenance and looking for non-standard solutions. Professional approach and support! I appreciate goal-oriented teamwork!

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

WD Market offered a variety of recommendations and solutions for our brand needs. Responsive and always ready to find compromises in all situations.


Evija Zuja

Marketing manager

We have collaborated on several projects, everything always goes smoothly. Also, I really like WDMarket’s Agile approach with the ability to adapt to the customer’s needs at any moment.

Deniss Mihailovs

IT Project manager

What our clients say

Our website was out of date and there were communication issues with the previous service provider. We are very glad to have WD Market come our way. Now we have a new modern website with great UI/UX design. Communication with the company is flawless. Starting a fruitful cooperation with WDM, we continue to develop with their help.

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

Leg&go logo

My experience with the WD Market team has been excellent. They seamlessly took over our previously developed WordPress based web store and have provided ongoing maintenance. Their technical expertise is evident in their solutions and suggestions for improvements. Responsive and attentive to details. Reasonable prices. Can recommend.

Kristīne Prāmniece

e-Commerce manager

We cooperated on Sia Kokos website issues. Do your own thing. If necessary, promptly solves any problem that may occur with the page. It is not limited only to the execution of technical works, but also helps to find optimal solutions and proactively provides various recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the page! We recommend

Andris Vizulis

Head of Marketing

Excellent cooperation when performing complex website maintenance and looking for non-standard solutions. Professional approach and support! I appreciate goal-oriented teamwork!

Liene Valdniece

e-Commerce manager

WD Market offered a variety of recommendations and solutions for our brand needs. Responsive and always ready to find compromises in all situations.


Evija Zuja

Marketing manager

We have collaborated on several projects, everything always goes smoothly. Also, I really like WDMarket’s Agile approach with the ability to adapt to the customer’s needs at any moment.

Deniss Mihailovs

IT Project manager

Biežāk Uzdotie Jautājumi

Protams! WooCommerce pašlaik ir viena no visvairāk izvēlētajām un izmantotajām e-komercijas platformām. Tā ir pieejama bez maksas un atvērta jebkuram, kas vēlas to izmantot. WooCommerce piedāvā plašas pielāgošanas iespējas, ļaujot jums pielāgot savu tiešsaistes veikalu precīzi atbilstoši jūsu biznesa prasībām. Turklāt, šī platforma ir optimizēta meklētājprogrammām, kas nozīmē, ka jūsu veikals var viegli sasniegt augstas pozīcijas Google meklēšanas rezultātos, pateicoties vienkārši veicamajiem SEO iestatījumiem.
WooCommerce veikali ir droši, ja tiek pievērsta uzmanība vairākiem kritiski svarīgiem drošības aspektiem. Tas ietver nepārtrauktu servera programmatūras atjaunināšanu, lai garantētu aizsardzību pret jaunākajiem zināmajiem apdraudējumiem. Tāpat būtiska ir WordPress un WooCommerce sistēmu, kā arī visu izmantoto paplašinājumu un moduļu regulāra atjaunināšana, kas nodrošina to, ka jūsu sistēma ir aprīkota ar jaunākajiem drošības uzlabojumiem un funkcijām. Ne mazāk svarīga ir augstas kvalitātes programmēšana, kas var novērst jebkādas sistēmas nestabilitātes vai drošības problēmas. Ja šie drošības pasākumi tiek pienācīgi ievēroti un pastāvīgi monitorēti, jūsu veikalam vajadzētu būt drošam. Mēs esam gatavi uzņemties šo atbildību, lai jūs varētu būt droši par savu veikala drošību.
Ir daudz alternatīvu WooCommerce, piemēram, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, un katrai no tām ir savi stiprie un vājie punkti. Lai izvēlētos visatbilstošāko platformu, ir svarīgi veikt rūpīgu salīdzinājumu, ņemot vērā jūsu konkrētās biznesa prasības un mērķus. Šādā izvēlē būtiska loma ir padziļinātai konsultācijai ar ekspertu, kas spēs detalizēti analizēt jūsu vajadzības un izvirzīt atbilstošāko e-komercijas risinājumu.
Pēc jūsu interneta veikala izveides, mēs piedāvājam iespēju integrēt jaunas vai papildus funkcijas, kas ir viena no WooCommerce platformas galvenajām priekšrocībām – plašais moduļu klāsts, kas pieejams paplašinājumiem. Mēs esam gatavi pielāgot un integrēt jebkuru no pieejamajiem moduļiem vai pat izstrādāt unikālu risinājumu, kas būtu specifiski piemērots tieši jūsu uzņēmuma vajadzībām.
Mēs noteikti iesakām pievērst uzmanību SEO optimizācijai. Lai gan mūsu izstrādātais interneta veikals ir optimizēts atbilstoši labākajām SEO praksēm un ir draudzīgs meklētājprogrammām, vienmērīga un augsta pozīcija Google meklēšanas rezultātos prasa pastāvīgu un mērķtiecīgu darbu. Tāpēc, lai nodrošinātu, ka jūsu veikala apmeklējumu skaits turpina augt, mēs piedāvājam specializētus SEO optimizācijas pakalpojumus tieši interneta veikaliem.
Ir iespējams pārvaldīt WooCommerce veikalu patstāvīgi, iztiekot bez programmētāju pastāvīgas iesaistes (Satura maiņa, stilistika). Taču, lai optimizētu laiku un resursus, mēs iesakām jaunu funkciju pievienošanu un lielākus veikala atjauninājumus uzticēt kvalificētiem programmētājiem. Šāda pieeja ļauj jūsu uzņēmuma personālam efektīvāk koncentrēties uz svarīgām darbībām.